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ILR running costs to help provide the best environment on PS4

With the introductions of trophies, constant graphic updates, website management it all costs money.


Based on current figures, trophies (major factor) and graphics being created we are looking at season costs of around £70-90 and annual costs of £2-300. With the introduction of ILR4 and quite possibly ILR5 for 2018 game cycle costs will only continue to spiral.


Any help and support would be most welcomed. Any questions on how it is spent, please get in touch with @ILRleague


Any Donations great or small -



Personal message from ILR Owner - 


Ideally we would like to move across to Iracing too and also platforms in the future, potentially Xbox and PC. This would mean increase graphic designs, website management and of course more money spent of trophies.


Premium websites cost monthly costs too, but that is yet to be decided, but its something we want to aim for. ~ £12 a month on wix.


Donations here or purchases via the ILR official shop/ Fade Grips sponsorship all help the ILR cause and all greatly appreciated. I know most of our drivers and fans are under 18 so financially constraint, but thats fine. Im never asking or forcing them to pay money. Its never about that.


Myself as owner (Jack Gooding) would never pocket this money for my own benefit, i don't need it. Its for the ILR and to only optimise its potential and future. Yes i have chosen to dip into my own pocket for trophies, but I think its what you guys as drivers deserve. Blood, sweat and a lot of tears go into this and want to repay the faith, any help would only help my personal spiraling costs in the league, which im going to continue to pay. I have faith in ILR and I have faith in the drivers, the commentators and admins.


This is totally optional and will by no means give drivers any preference or first choice in any matters.  I don't believe in the idea of a premium membership plan for leagues, its not fair on drivers that can't afford it, it causes a unfair segregation. Thats why after speaking with admins and few of you I believe optional donations are the way to go. If every driver donated £2 the leagues costs would be covered for 12 months and no doubt I would spend even more on you guys..Driving experiences or even F1 tickets.. If you have any questions on the matter I'm happy to answer them at - @_JackF1 on twitter.

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